包含30首各种动物相关音效,FLAC无损格式Sound Effects – The Sounds of Animals Sound Effects
01 Bees Buzz Around Hive [Sound Effects] 1:02
02 Birds in a Rain Forest [Sound Effects] 1:04
03 Crickets At Night [Sound Effects] 1:04
04 Horse Walks Up and Snorts in Stable (Loud) [Sound Effects] 0:13
05 Lion Roars [Sound Effects] 0:15
06 Seagulls [Sound Effects] 1:04
07 Bird Flying Around With Plane in Background [Sound Effects] 0:34
08 Bird Singing [Sound Effects] 0:09
09 Birds’ Chorus At Early Dawn [Sound Effects] 1:04
10 Birds in an Aviary [Sound Effects] 1:03
11 Cat Meow (3 Types) [Sound Effects] 0:07
12 Chicken Coop Atmosphere [Sound Effects] 1:04
13 Chicken Laying an Egg [Sound Effects] 0:04
14 Dog Chasing Man and Barking [Sound Effects] 0:08
15 Dog Growling and Barking [Sound Effects] 0:31
16 Dog Runs Left Then Right [Sound Effects] 0:11
17 Ducks With Children [Sound Effects] 0:34
18 Elephant Herd [Sound Effects] 1:01
19 Elephant Trumpets Angrily [Sound Effects] 0:09
20 Farm Atmosphere [Sound Effects] 1:02
21 Horse Gallops By Version 1 [Sound Effects] 0:10
22 Horse Walks Away in Stable [Sound Effects] 0:13
23 Horse Walks Up and Breathes in Stable [Sound Effects] 0:25
24 Lion Growls [Sound Effects] 0:21
25 Mountain Lion Snarls and Growls [Sound Effects] 0:34
26 Pig Grunts and Runs Away [Sound Effects] 0:11
27 Pigs Grunting in a Sty [Sound Effects] 1:04
28 Several Birds Singing [Sound Effects] 0:14
29 Sheep Farm [Sound Effects] 1:03
30 Wolf Howling (Human Simulation) [Sound Effects] 0:08



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